Home Safety & Asbestos 101

Sample Collection Step-By-Step Instructions

For samples dropped off before Tuesday at 2:00PM, results will be received by end of day Friday. Samples dropped of before 2PM Friday, results received by end of day Tuesday. Long weekends may affect report deliveries accordingly.



Extract Samples

Safely extract materials as described below in Common Suspect Materials & Required Testing Volumes.


Label Bags

Carefully number & place each sample in appropriate Ziploc bag then place all items into larger Ziploc bag to ensure materials are double bagged.


Create Sample Sheet

Use the example below as a template, being sure to include ALL information. Unreadable sheets may not be processed at lab technicians discretion.

Shipping instructions


Email Us The Sample Sheet

You must send a clear copy of the prepared sample sheet to avoid processing delays via email to coc@sampletesting.org


Place In Packaging Envelope

Place double bagged samples & sample preparation sheet into an packaging envelope. Clearly mark the outside with the customer name, project address and in C/O Lab Direct LLC.


Proceed To Drop Off Location Or Ship To

After reading all information provided if necessary contact customer service team to answer any further questions.

Always Check Asbestos Section In OH&S Safety Manual For Regulations And Safety Precautions Whenever Working With Materials That May Contain Asbestos.

Common Suspect Materials & Required Testing Volumes


Asbestos testing drywall locationsGroup A – About 1/16 to 1/4 teaspoon of material required for proper testing.

Group B – Not more then 1 square inch of material required for proper testing.

Group C – At least 1 cup of material required for proper testing.

Take precautions whenever disturbing any suspect building materials.

All samples to be double bagged and properly labelled with sample number.

No zip ties or knots as testing at lab technicians discretion.

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